
eMagazine Without Borders and European eMagazine: An example of how to motivate students through international networking in a vocational upper secondary school in Italy

Author(s): European Schoolnet
Institution/Organisation: Istituto Tecnico Industriale (ITIS) Marconi, Verona (IT)


The ITIS G. Marconi is a large technical and vocational upper secondary school in Verona, Italy, with 1250 students on roll and an important scientific and technological character. Its curriculum is divided into two specialist subjects, Electronics and Informatics. It is a Volkswagen Academy and a Microsoft IT Academy. The school has used the CLIL approach (English) to teach computer science, calculus & statistics, electronics, maths and systems programming. There have also been a number of international activities through Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, eTwinning and work placements abroad. Students take part in publishing on-line magazines with students abroad on a number of different topics and exchange blogs on their country, school or work experience. The publishing initiative is now integrated into the regular curriculum. Students have gained confidence in all four language skills, becoming independent learners and motivated by the real communication involved. Students can work at their own pace and their enthusiasm is infectious.

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